The Pardicolor Creative Arts Fund supports artists producing work on wildlife and biodiversity, environment and society in Southeast Asia.
Artists conducting research and producing artworks with a variety of media including but not limited to: painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, film and literature and with a focus on the following themes;
● Works that promote Southeast Asian aspects of zoology (including mammalogy, herpetology, ornithology and entomology), marine biology, and botany.
● Lesser known wildlife species and interesting scientific research or conservation work.
● Work done in collaboration with conservationists, researchers or scientists.
● Wildlife conservation issues including the illegal wildlife trade, poaching, climate change, habitat loss, the forest fires crisis, overfishing and plastic pollution.
● But also, surprise us!
Southeast Asian artists and those from ethnic minority backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply to the Fund. We do however welcome applications from all nationalities, providing you are currently based in Southeast Asia. Partnerships and collaborations with other artists, biologists, scientists, etc. are encouraged (but at a distance during COVID 19).
You are ineligible to apply to the Fund if you;
● Are an organisation. But we do support collaborations with other artists and partnerships with NGOs, scientists etc.
Works supported by the Fund will be published on the Pardicolor website and support will be given to artists to explore other online broadcasting or sharing options that do not require in-person contact (after COVID 19, real life exhibits at galleries, universities etc. will be supported).