Part One

1. Eurasian Wild Pig Sus scrofa Despite their intimidating size, wild pigs are shy and very wary animals. They were once believed to have become extinct in Singapore around the time of the Japanese Occupation due to overhunting.


Eurasian Wild Pig

Sus scrofa

Despite their intimidating size, wild pigs are shy and very wary animals.

They were once believed to have become extinct in Singapore around the time of the Japanese Occupation due to overhunting.

2. Common Flameback  Dinopium javanense Common flamebacks are adaptable and are occasionally found in urban parks. Like other species of woodpeckers, they have stiffened tail feathers that help them hop vertically up trees.


Common Flameback

Dinopium javanense

Common flamebacks are adaptable and are occasionally found in urban parks.

Like other species of woodpeckers, they have stiffened tail feathers that help them hop vertically up trees.

3. Changeable Hawk-eagle  Nisaetus cirrhatus These raptors are nationally endangered but their population size appears to have increased in recent years. There are the dark morphs (full brown) and pale-morphs (shown) to this species.


Changeable Hawk-eagle

Nisaetus cirrhatus

These raptors are nationally endangered but their population size appears to have increased in recent years.

There are the dark morphs (full brown) and pale-morphs (shown) to this species.

4. Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis The oriental dollarbird is named after its distinctive coin-shaped spot on each wing that is only visible only when the bird is in flight. This beautiful avian species is known to hunt for insects in mid-…


Oriental Dollarbird

Eurystomus orientalis

The oriental dollarbird is named after its distinctive coin-shaped spot on each wing that is only visible only when the bird is

in flight. This beautiful avian species is known to hunt for insects in mid-flight.


Blue-tailed Bee-eater

Merops philippinus

Blue-tailed bee-eaters predominantly feed on bees, wasps, and hornets. After a successful hunt, a bee-eater will perch to

make the kill by beating the insect on a branch until its tough exoskeleton breaks open.
