Pictures of Nothing

Mac Andre Arboleda and Rollyna Marie Domingo


Nobody knows for sure how many of you exist.
— Mac & Rollyna

Pictures of Nothing (2023) is a video essay exploring the connections between animal conservation and human surveillance. Using otherwise useless camera trap data in the conservation of the elusive and endangered Palawan binturong in the Philippines, the work surfaces and contemplates the stark terrors facing the country: it’s among the deadliest countries for environmental activists, most at risk from climate crisis, and under increased digital surveillance efforts by the Marcos-Duterte regime.

Pictures of Nothing has been shown at Mozilla Festival (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria), SET Lewisham (London, UK), and several venues in the Philippines.

According to 2017 USAid Climate Change Risk Profiles the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. On top of that, it is also home to one of the highest ratio of endemic plants and animals in the world while also having the highest rates of habitat loss — considering it as the #2 hottest hotspot in the world next to Madagascar (Myers 2000). One of these affected species is the binturong.


Arctictis binturong

Philippine local names: binturong, manturon.

Distribution: Southeast Asia — in the Philippines, endemic to Palawan.

Habitat: rainforest canopy.

Importance: keystone species for forest restoration in Asia.

IUCN Conservation Status: Vulnerable.

Learn more about the binturong and the only NGO entirely dedicated to the animal at ABConservation. Support ABC and conserve the binturong and here.

© Parc Animalier des Pyrénées.

In the context of a political regime that severely represses dissent, including environmental activism, Mac Andre Arboleda and Rollyna Domingo’s Pictures of Nothing offers a simultaneously minimal and profound gesture through the juxtaposition of image and text in filmmaking. Their film poignantly brings attention to what appears meaningless or empty – nondescript animal camera trap footage – and combines it with a textual reflection on the endangered work of frontline activists, as a way of reflecting on an increasingly oppressive culture of surveillance.
— Jury statement from Ars electronica

Pictures of Nothing was one of the Honorary Mentions of the State of the ART(ist) in Ars Electronica 2023.

Extracted from Pictures of Nothing presentation in the UGAT 45th Annual Conference: Anthropologies of Home conference held at Zamboanga, Philippines from the 9th to 11th of November 2023.

Philippines is considered the most dangerous country for environmental defenders in Asia with cases dating as far back as 1980. Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP) is a nationwide alliance of youth organisations, individuals, and student councils that advocates for immediate global climate action led by the youth. Save Philippine environmental defenders and join YACAP here.


Mac Andre Arboleda

Mac Andre Arboleda is an artist interested in exploring the sickness of the internet through research and dialogue, art and text, organizing and publishing. Born and raised in the Philippines, he is currently a master student of Media Arts Cultures on an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.

Website - Twitter

Rollyna Marie Domingo

Rollyna is a wildlife biologist from the Philippines passionate about wildlife conservation through research and interdisciplinary initiatives. She is also an artist that has dabbled in various spaces such as film, poetry, design, and illustrations but mainly showcases her work as whimsical and warm kidlit illustrations and advocacy materials, mainly as the Director of Graphics and Social Media at Poetry for Planet. Based in France, she is currently pursuing her international master’s degree in Functional Biology and Ecology.

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Film created with camera trap data courtesy of ABConservation and the Bearcat Study Program research team and the support received from Pardicolor. This online exhibit is created in collaboration with ABConservation and YACAP Philippines.


In These Times - The Death Squads Hunting Environmental Defenders

Climatelinks - Climate Risk Profile: Philippines

Myers et al. (2000) Biodiversity Hotspots for Conservation Priorities. Nature, 403(6772), 853– 858.