Kenneth Chin
Kenneth Chin is a natural science illustrator, conservation photographer and advocate for the deaf based in Singapore.
Growing up in the bustling city of Singapore Kenneth had little or no contact with the forest until the age of 17 when he chanced upon photos of the local wildlife. From that first chance encounter Kenneth has gone on to build his own portfolio of wildlife images and illustrations with a strong regional focus. In 2020 Kenneth received a small grant from the PARDICOLOR Creative Arts Fund to continue his work. An artist who embodies the strong connection between art and science, here we share some of his playful Wildlife of Southeast Asia illustrations in the form of an ABC series and an endemic species sticker sheet to raise awareness in Singapore. Captions are written by Kenneth.
Above: a Yellow Throated Marten (Martes Flavigula), a species found across Asia and currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species.
SEA endemic species sticker set.
“I felt a sticker sheet would be one of the most effective ways of outreaching people and inspiring them to protect what we have in the region. The cute factor would charm one's heart as they have this in possession and they might gift this to their loved ones, spreading the message even further. I hope to create more like this in the future, covering more species.
The featured species in this series are Malayan Tapir, Atlas Moth, Sir David's Long-beaked Echidna, Sunda Pangolin, Yellow-throated Marten, Draco Lizard, Helmeted Hornbill, Blue Pit Viper, Vietnamese Mossy Frog, Tufted Ground Squirrel, Slow Loris, Malayan Horned Frog, Maleo, Colugo, Tarsier, Orang Utan, Komodo Dragon, Saola, Douc Langur, Philippines Eagle..”
— Kenneth Chin