Jasvic Lye


See the iridescent scales of the Sunbeam snake, the metallic green wings of the Common Emerald Dove (pictured above), and the mottled underside of the Sumatran Flying Dragon, as you step into the lives of Singapore’s other residents in the magnified world of Jasvic Lye’s ‘More than meets the eye’.

Jasvic Lye is a Singaporean artist-photographer who is known for her unconventional approach to addressing the human impact on wildlife in a city. Her photographic project, ‘Death by Man’, is an obituary series of portraits and stories of wildlife that have perished due to man-made activities and urbanisation. As she continues to shed light on the issue through evocative visuals and narratives, Jasvic Lye explores a more light-hearted approach in inspiring the public to care about their wild neighbours. The new series, ’More than meets the eye’, offers people a closer look at the details of animals that live within our midst through macro photography. Read our Q&A with Jasvic Lye.

Click through Parts 1 - 5 of the online booklet below.