Anna Luy Tan


2022 PARDICOLOR Creative Arts Fund grantee. Special theme: ‘Realms of Coexistence’.

In 2022 the PARDICOLOR Creative Arts fund supported Anna Luy Tan, a documentary filmmaker and writer from Chicago with a lifelong passion for coral reef ecosystems. Anna’s film project ‘White Flower’ perfectly embodies our Special Theme: ‘Realms of Coexistence’ (one of three Special Themes for small grant applications in 2022) by exploring the interconnectedness between people and a unique marine environment in Taiwan.

In Anna’s own words: “Taiwan is home to some of the world's richest and ecologically vital coral reefs, where a tremendous diversity of marine life have thrived for hundreds of thousands of years. About one tenth of the world’s marine species live in Taiwan’s expansive network of coral reef ecosystems, which is nearly 400 times the average number for other coastal countries. White Flower explores with Taiwan-based diving teams and researchers as they discover the underwater worlds of Green Island, Penghu, Lanyu, and Kenting. This journey unveils the system of symbiotic relationships that lie at the foundation of these vibrant communities, while also unpacking the threats these ecosystems face due to unsustainable development and climate change.”